It is a misconception that happy and satisfied employees are engaged at workplace. Happy Employees does not always mean they are engaged.
Recent statistics prove that only 45% people are satisfied in their work and the number of unengaged employees is increasing expeditiously.
Do you think that satisfied employees should be considered engaged?
The answer is an obvious ‘NO’, being satisfied and happy does not always mean that the employees are engaged at work. The Majority of the organizations do not know in the actual sense the phenomenon of workplace engagement. Unless and until, an employee’s shares their own personal goals with the organizations, it makes it difficult for them to remain engaged in the workplace. The sheer meaning of an engaged employee is that they are always ready to go an extra mile for the organization as they feel connected with the organization.
As Confucius rightly stated that “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”, engagement is consequently be considered as an emotional commitment which the employee shares with the organization and its goals.
Employee engagement makes a huge impact not only on our professional front but also on our personal and social front as well. A good health, a better marriage life and overall happiness are all linked to how engaged you feel at work. However, employee engagement is not a single sided affair; it is indeed the shared responsibility of the employer and the employee as well. If the company bears the major chunk of the responsibility to make their employees engaged at work, employees too should gear up to make it happen a winsome affair.

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