7 Tips for Effective Communication
From our ancestors, Homo Sapiens to the modern man, from Sign language to Machine learning, we all communicate!
Communication is the way of life, the way this world is channelized is all the marvel of communication. From Humans, birds, animals, insects and almost everyone stays here and communicate. Communication is so important that our life will seize without communication.
Guys, communication is such a powerful tool that it can mend the world or bend the world!
Now, let’s come to our actual part of the subject, effective communication. Here, I am talking about communication and not how great we are at languages. We may be great in speaking with each other, the optimum pitch and the error free language, albeit, that does not make you good in communication.
Let’s talk about the Effective knack in communication, here are the 7 tips:
1) Be Clear and precise!
Yes, be clear. Clear in your thoughts while communication will actually serve the purpose. Effective communication starts and ends with the clarity, the clarity of your thoughts and gestures. You should be clear to the point of communication then beating around the bush which gives a slack in the communication pattern. From business to personal proposal, not paying attention to the clarity of communication will come to the toss at the effectiveness.
Nobody has time in today’s world when you are just explaining them things which are not straight to the point and nothing to considered with the context of discussion. For e.g, when your manager is asking for the error in the today’s file, he expects a straight and short answer first then the story you portray about the reasons causing it. 😉
2) Check / Examine your Listening Skills
Are you one of them who just wants to keep their point and forget about other’s opinion? Well, then you are the one who needs to check the listening skills.
Listening is an inevitable part of the communication as speaking is! Listening ensures the right process of the information which no one pays attention to. Much in reality majority of one wants to listen others only to revert back and not understand! Moreover, we hear in order to impromptu back then actually analysing the information in our head and then vocal out.
This feeble basis of communication in today’s life can make our life worsen and its effective communication goes for a toss!
3) Is your facial gesture marring the communication flow?
As always emphasized, during a vocal conversation, your gestures effect your communication. Majority of the times, I have observed many of the participants having a compulsive, natural gestures which they cannot control by any means. These facial gestures are so disturbing that they literally side track the person with whom they are talking to.
Some repetitive gestures like clenching jaws, moving your neck rapidly, not paying attention to the person talk but rather observing some insect crawling on the wall or checking your phone not only makes the other person disturbed but also creates a bad, seriously bad impression about you.
Other repetitive gestures like knocking the surfaces around, flipping the diary again and again, sitting in a crocked posture, yawning at the important points of discussion is a Big NO..NO!
These will not only harm your communication but also hamper your overall personality and create a bunch of grapevines about you and your gestures 😉
4) How great you are while dealing with written communication
Did you just forgot to share the confirmation mail to your boss for the next meeting???!
You did not check the proposal before sharing or you just told your customer regarding the proposal and you both agreed! But the agreement was on a CALL.
You shared your pal about meeting him at a dinner but forgot to confirm the location of the restaurant and end up having a disappointed emoji from him denotes importance of written
Your dealing would not turn effective if you do not type the messages / mails or letters with the apt consciousness and insight. Do not type the mails or revert them too quickly, analyse the communication from the other party and then only go ahead.
Thumbs Up! This will certainly help in saving your lot of relationships as well as your job.
5) Are you more abrupt or too slow?
We all have heard that the tone and the pitch marks or mar the communication creating a domino effect. However, what about the speed?
What if you are overly abrupt in your communication with people?
Yes, this highly effects the communication when you have the habit of speaking too much fast and not paying attention to chewing words before uttering.
This habit creates pronunciation issues and whole lot of errors hampering your communication.
If you are thinking that you are going too fast or too slow while communicating then definitely you will get to know from the other party, do not worry, do not take it offensively. Instead, start working towards it and ask for the opinions from your friends and family regarding your progress!
6) Observe and Analyse
Have you ever analysed in your brain cells about what you have just communicated?
It often happens that you tend to forget the things just communicated to you or if you just didn’t understand leading to a confusion in your mind. Not analysing the communicated words leads to you not understanding properly nor implementing it creating a bizarre massacre and obviously you do not want that to happen, right?
The coolest way to prevent it by realising that the communication which just finished needs to be further analysed in your brain for the optimum results.! Surely in this way, your boss will be happy so your friends 😉
This fundamental rule can be very well applied for verbal communication as the written communication has a window having a proof that what you actually communicated.
Analysing the communication hence not only helps you to become a better listener but also a great observer, ultimately leading to a better version of yourself.
Next time, if you do not understand a particular thing, just do not shy away, go ahead and ask!
7) Remember the important communications especially when it comes to completion of important tasks on both the professional as well as personal front.
The effectiveness of any communication gets its litmus test when you remember them especially when you remember the important points. Always remember that whenever, you have any important communication made with anyone either personally or professionally, then always remember to record it so that the important points are not missed out.
Whenever, you provide assurance / promise to get a task done, always remember to comprehend and close the loop before it is too late, otherwise it can lead to disasters which can ultimately lead to failed communication as well as failed image.
Hope you find this article informative!
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